Welcome, friend! If you’re here it’s probably because you’re a naturally curious person - and we love that about you. Today we’re talkin’ lingo because words are important, especially when it comes to human anatomy. When we know which parts of ourselves are which, we’re better able to take care of ‘em, identify any issues, and seek help if/when we need it.
In a recent survey, only 17% of women were able to correctly identify what’s what down there, and it’s no wonder! The word “vagina” is often used to refer to alllll the bits and bobs involved in female genitalia. But really, the vagina is just one part - the collective term for all visible parts of the intimate area is vulva. Has a nice little ring to it, eh?
Let’s take a tour de vulva!

The labia majora are your outer lips, where you grow hair. Labia minora are the inner lips that connect to your clitoral hood. And despite what you may have heard, there’s no one way labia should look.
Moving right on down the line, you’ve got your clitoris. This tiny but mighty sex organ is the pleasure center of your vulva. If you want to get more acquainted, might we recommend a little solo pleasure sesh?
The vagina is the internal canal that connects your uterus to the outside world. Last, but not least, the urethra is where urine exits the body, and the anus is where feces does the same.
Now that you know what’s what, get out there and help us spread the good word! Or if you’re not really into the whole shouting IT’S A VULVA from the rooftop thing, maybe just tell a friend about our line of clean skincare solutions made specifically for the vulva.