About SweetSpot Labs

SweetSpot Labs: Elevating women's sexual health & intimate wellness.
Since 2004, we’ve been redefining intimate skincare, challenging outdated norms and creating science-backed solutions that support vulvar health at every stage of life. Now, we're expanding into even more innovative solutions: prescription-strength treatments designed by women, for women.
Introducing SweetSpot Labs Rx
Real concerns deserve real solutions. We’ve launched SweetSpot Labs Rx, a personalized prescription collection, to address intimate health and sexual wellness needs with discreet online delivery. With expertise from Dr. Marisa Messore, M.D., a board-certified OB/GYN and female sexual health specialist, we’re making expert care more accessible than ever.
Celebrated by Customers, Experts & The Press: Our dermatologist and gynecologist-approved formulas are recognized by thousands of customer 5-star reviews and top beauty editors:
BYRDIE named our Microbiome Balancing Cleanser the Best Overall Feminine Wash for its pH-balanced, fragrance-free formula.
Harper’s Bazaar spotlighted our Bikini & Body Bump Eraser for its ability to reduce dark spots and smooth skin.
Visit our press page to explore more of our media features!
Science-Backed, Skin-Safe, Sustainable: We set the highest standards for intimate skincare. Our gynecologist-tested and developed formulas are crafted with clean, non-irritating ingredients that support your body’s natural balance and can be used in tandem with prescription treatments.
Sustainability is at the heart of what we do. That’s why our cruelty-free, beegan/vegan formulas feature consciously sourced ingredients and eco-friendly packaging whenever possible.
Found At Your Favorite Retailers: From coast to coast, you can find us in ULTA stores nationwide. Prefer shopping online? We’re just a click away here on our website, on Amazon, Target and Anthropologie.