Pregnancy and postpartum can be an incredibly exciting time, but it can also bring about some unexpected changes to your body. One area that may require extra attention during this time is your vulva and intimate skin. Here are our top tips on how to care for your sweet spots during pregnancy and postpartum!
Protect pH Balance
Your hormones are likely to fluctuate during pregnancy and postpartum, which can affect the pH balance of your intimate skin. This can lead to dryness, itching, and discomfort. To avoid these issues, it's important to keep your intimate skin clean and hydrated.
The best way to do this is by swapping your body wash for a gentle cleanser like SweetSpot Labs Fragrance-Free Wash. This pH-balanced wash is formulated with 99% naturally-derived ingredients, and is free from harsh chemicals like sulfates and parabens. It's perfect for daily use from chin to toe, as it gently cleanses without disrupting the delicate balance of your intimate skin.
Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize
Another way to care for your intimate skin during pregnancy and postpartum is by using a daily moisturizer. It's important to note that not all moisturizers are safe for use during pregnancy and postpartum. Some products may contain harmful chemicals or fragrances that can irritate your skin or harm your baby. That's why it's important to choose a product that is specifically formulated for your intimate skin, like Hydrate Ever After.
This lightweight intimate moisturizer is specifically formulated to replenish natural moisture to your intimate skin. Bonus: it can also be used on your pregnant belly to help prevent stretch marks. It's made with clean, bio-identical emollient oils including Jojoba, Macadamia Seed, and Squalene, plus a super-effective concentration of Micro-Hyaluronic Acid for all-day comfort. Plus, it's fragrance-free and hypoallergenic, making it safe for sensitive skin.
Perineal Massage
In addition to daily moisturizing, perineal massage is another important step in caring for your intimate skin during pregnancy. Daily perineal massage helps to stretch and relax the muscles in your perineum, which can make childbirth easier and reduce the risk of vaginal tearing. Hydrate Ever After provides the perfect gyn-approved lubricant for a gentle, comfortable massage.
Deal With Discharge
Vaginal discharge is (usually) a totally normal bodily function. Typically, discharge is clear or milky white, and thin. While pregnant, you may notice a change in the amount, consistency, and even color of your discharge. If you experience an increase in white discharge during pregnancy, it’s probably nothing to worry about. But if you notice a change in your discharge combined with itching, irritation or a foul odor, consult your medical provider.
Avoid Harsh Chemicals
During pregnancy and postpartum, your fluctuating hormones can make skin (especially intimate skin) more sensitive. You may want to avoid using scented products like bubble bath, feminine sprays, or scented pads. These can irritate your skin and disrupt the pH balance of your intimate area.
Skip the Spandex
To further protect the natural balance of your sweet spots, wear loose-fitting clothing made from breathable fabrics like cotton. This will allow air to circulate around your intimate area, reducing the risk of irritation or infection.
Caring for your intimate skin during pregnancy and postpartum is an important part of self-care. Don't forget to also take care of yourself emotionally and mentally during this time, as it can be a challenging but rewarding journey. Best of luck, mama!
This website is for informational purposes only and not to be considered as medical advice. This information is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or cure any medical condition.