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Vulva Puppet

Help us raise awareness, educate & destigmatize the vulva.


Everything about our bodies is beautiful! But do you really know what everything looks like and what everything is for? The Body Agency wants you to be prepared to have this conversation. This educational puppet celebrates the wonders and power of the vulva, revealing all the beautiful details in a fun and educational way. 

The Vuppet is for moms, dads, daughters, sons, partners, nurses, gynecologists, teachers, friends - anyone who needs to know about or teach others about the female body. And that is pretty much everyone!

But this is much more than an educational tool: each puppet is one-of-a-kind, hand-stitched with love by a disabled woman in Laos. When you buy a Vuppet, you provide the woman who made it a sustainable way to make a living. And the greater the demand, the more women the Lao Disabled Women’s Development Center is able to employ and support, by teaching participants life skills and civil rights.

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